Crew Boarding Passes
Please carefully review the boarding pass “Levels” provided below, and then click the “Select” button to the right of the ship ID level that matches your last Rank at the time of your End of Obligated Service to the U.S. Navy (EAOS) for enlisted crew, or last Rank prior to retirement for officers. Membership is and will always remain “Free.”
You will then be taken to a web page with several form fields required for your secure Personnel file. All form fields, including the “More Information” section, must be completed. The Username field is a unique-identifier, and will be set permanently during registration. This field is the only one that may not be changed; even by an Admin. You may use letters, numbers, and standard characters (!, #, $, %, *), but do not use blank spaces for your username.
Honored guests from the Shenandoah Valley, Navy League and others are not required to secure a Boarding Pass.
“Man the Ship!”